We're looking for vivid things
to print. Mainly stories- novels, graphic novels- but we're open
to exceptions.
Send us a submission package
Signed copy of the
Cover letter including a contact e-mail.
A physical copy of your book.
Mail your package to:
Vivid Publishing
PO Box 1201
Monroe, MI 48162
Submission Agreement-
pretty self explanatory. We live in the most litigious nation in
the history of the human species, it's necessary.
Cover letter- Include
your e-mail, so we can get in touch with you. Tell us a little about
where you're coming from, why this book is important to you, what
your hopes and plans are for your work. This is so we have some
context, and it's also a secret test to weed out people who use
all-caps and don't spell-check.
A Book- yes, we would
like a literal printed copy of your book. There are a few reasons
for this.
Lots of people like the idea
of making a book- only a fraction will actually finish one. We can't
spend our time dealing with hypothetical books. This ensures we're
looking at viable titles, and creators who know firsthand the work
Additionally, receiving a finished
book tells us the creator has learned to polish their efforts, work
with on-demand printers, and successfully fill orders through the
mail. The more independent and competent an author is, the better.
We link a few printers on our
resources page, but there
are many more out there. If your book is of a size or format that
is incompatible with on-demand printing, give us a link to where
we can browse a print resolution PDF.
last benefit of asking for a book from you: if we decline your submission-
and we may forego some excellent work- you're already well on the
way to being successful in your own right.
After you submit:
drop a quick e-mail when the package arrives. I plan to review submissions
at least twice a year, hopefully more often- so you can expect a
decision from us within a few months. Accepted or not, I'll be happy
to share my thoughts on your work, along with advice about how to
proceed. We're looking forward to seeing your book!