Here's What Sucks.

Vivid Sucks Less.

What We're Looking For.

Vivid Sucks Less.

       Or, what to expect from us.

      Succeeding creatively is hard, and we don't have any magical solutions. But we do have something that sets us apart from other publishers out there:

      We're creators too.

      What's more, we're successful creators.

For you, that has pros and cons.

We make a living off our own work, so we won't be trying to make a living off yours. The goal is for YOU to make a living from it.

Awesome readers already know us, and trust us enough to take a look at new things we have to offer.

Experience is now on our side- everything from writing and storycraft, to editing and artwork, to social media, animation, ad campaigns, fulfilling orders, merchandising, kickstarter boosting, and more.

We're busy with our own series. This means we wouldn't be promoting your work full time. But, then again, neither would mainstream publishers.

We don't have the insider connections of a huge company, and our titles are not in major retail chains.

      But I forgot to mention what I view as our biggest pro- our overall philosophy. We love good stories- intense plots, charismatic characters, engaging twists, lovingly crafted art. And the two core ingredients to stories: Creators, and readers. That keeps our focus in the right place.

      We want to bring readers fantastic work. We want to help creators present it. And we want to have fun. How, precisely, do we aim to accomplish this?

      Partner Publishing.

      It's pretty straightforward. When creators sign with us they still own their work, their characters, and their rights. They can still print their own books on demand, and sell directly to readers if they like. They basically just give us permission to *also* sell their work. And we have a nice batch of readers to add to the mix.

      Essentially, it's self publishing on steroids.

      Why forfeit independence? We want to give creators maximum latitude, a hefty signal boost, access to an established customer base, and the credibility of an official publisher to cut through the online clutter.

      The hope is that long term, successful creators can band together through Vivid, overlap readerships, and generate a supportive venue greater than the sum of its parts.

What We're Looking For.



All content copyright to their respective creators or Vivid, Independent Publishing LLC.